:::::<>: Contains unfinished stuff. decided to make Q & A's bitmaps... Leonardo's patron in Milan was:3::2:Right. Lodovico Sforza was ruler of Milan.:A.Lorenzo the Magnificent :B.Lodovico Sforza:C.Francis I Leonardo was an apprentice in the workshop of:3:3:Right. Verrocchio was a Florentine painter and sculptor.:A.Brunelleschi:B.Pinocchio:C.Verrocchio Leonardo mastered the painting technique of:3:1:Right. Sfumato is the technique of creating a thin, smokey mist in paint.:A. sfumato:B. impasto:C. archipelago The Last Supper was painted by:3:3:Right. Leonardo’s The Last Supper is located in Milan’s convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie.:A. Michelangelo:B. Raphael:C. Leonardo The printing press was invented by:3:3:Right. German craftsman Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1439.:A. Bramante:B. Bosch:C. Gutenberg The Hundred Years' War was fought between:3:3:Right. England and France fought from 1337 to 1453 over English claims to France.:A. Italy and Spain:B. Italy and France:C. England and France Leonardo was 40 years old when:3:2:That's right. Columbus discovered America in 1492.:A. Joan of Arc was burned at the stake:B. Columbus discovered America.:C. the first pocket watch was invented Leonardo, though remembered for his paintings, made a living mainly as a:3:2:Right. Leonardo entertained his patrons with music, but civil engineering put bread on his table.:A. musician:B. civil engineer:C. soldier Leonardo’s landing gear could also be used:3:2:Right. Leonado’s ladder-like landing gear allowed passengers to enter and exit his flying machine.:A. to land on water:B. to get on and off the craft:C. both of the above Who was the leader of the Aztecs conquered by Cortés?:3:2:Right. Moctezuma, also pronounced Montezuma, was captured by Cortés.:A. Tenochtitlan:B. Moctezuma:C. Haile Selassie Dante was a great Italian:3:3:That's right. Dante wrote The Divine Comedy.:A. explorer :B. painter:C. poet Leonardo’s parachute measured how many feet wide?:3:2:Right. Leonardo’s 23-foot-wide parachute was close to today’s 24-foot-wide parachute.:A. 12:B. 23:C. 58 Machiavelli was:3:3:Right. Machiavelli wrote The Prince, which describes how an Italian prince can gain power.:A. a Dutch artist:B. a French explorer:C. an Italian statesman Joan of Arc was an important figure of the:3:3:Right. Joan of Arc led the French to victory in a decisive battle against the British.:A. Boer War:B. Hundred Years' War:C. Spanish Inquisition The Arno River runs through Florence and:3:1:That's right. Pisa is an Italian city near the Ligurian Sea.:A.Pisa:B.IstanbulC. Amboise The Birth of Venus was painted by:3:2:Right. Italian artist Botticelli painted The Birth of Venus in 1484.:A. Leonardo:B. Botticelli:C. Michelangelo Oil paint was invented in the early:3:2:That's right. The Flemish painter Van Eyck is often credited with its invention.:A. 1100s:B. 1400s:C. 1700s Suleiman the Magnificent was the:3:2:Right. Under Suleiman’s rule, the Ottoman Empire reached its peak of power.:A. king of England:B. sultan of Turkey:C. king of Spain Leonardo created the first version of The Last Supper ever painted.:2:2: False. Many other artists before Leonardo had made their own versions.:A. True:B. False Leonardo wrote and drew with his:3:2 A. right hand B. left hand C. either hand equally well Answer to #2: Quiz21.aif B. Right. Leonardo was left-handed and wrote backwards, from right to left. ----------------------------------- 3. In spite of Church disapproval, Leonardo dissected more than A. 10 corpses B. 20 corpses C. 30 corpses Answer to #3: Quiz22.aif C. Right. Leonardo dissected more than 30 corpses in his studies in human anatomy. ------------------------------------- 4. Who first measured the age of a tree by the number of rings in its trunk? A. Copernicus B. Galileo C. Leonardo Answer to #4: Quiz23.aif C. That’s right. Leonardo was quite a botanist. --------------------------------------- 5. Leonardo drew the parachute in A. 1452 B. 1480 C. 1519 Answer to #5: Quiz24.aif B. Right. Leonardo was 32 years old when he drew the world’s first parachute. ------------------------------------------ 6. The Mona Lisa is now located in the A. Vatican B. Uffizi C. Louvre answer to #6: Quiz25.aif C. Right. Although Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa in Florence, it now hangs in the Louvre in Paris. ----------------------------- 7. Leonardo invented an alarm clock that A. poured water on the sleeper’s head B. threw the sleeper’s feet into the air C. rang a loud bell answer to #7: Quiz26.aif B. Right. Leonardo used this alarm clock when he was living in France. ------------------------------ 8. Leonardo used to buy birds sold in cages in order to A. feed them to his cat B. dissect them for anatomy studies C. set them free Answer to #8: Quiz27.aif C. Right. Leonardo loved animals - and was also fascinated by the flight of birds. ------------------------------- 9. Ballet developed in the Italian courts A. before Leonardo was born B. during Leonardo’s lifetime C. after Leonardo’s death Answer to #9: Quiz28.aif B. That’s right. Leonardo lived in an exciting cultural age. ********************************************************************************* Quiz #4: 1. Leonardo invented a drum that had holes in the side. A. True B. False Answer to #1: Quiz29.aif A. True. With Leonardo’s drum, the drummer could play a series of different tones by closing the holes. ---------------------------- 2. Leonardo invented A. a parachute B. a bicycle C. both of the above Answer to #2: Quiz30.aif C. That’s right. Leonardo invented them both. He was a prophetic genius. ------------------------------- 3. How did Leonardo’s rotisserie operate? A. the cook turned a crank B. rising hot air turned an air screw C. a waterwheel turned the spit Answer to #3: Quiz31.aif B. That’s right. The higher the flame, the faster the roast turned. ------------------------------ 4. Leonardo designed compasses that could be adjusted. Fixed compasses were in use since A. classical times B. the Middle Ages C. the age of Columbus Answer for #4: Quiz32.aif A. Right. Fixed compasses were used since classical times. ---------------------------------- 5. The first successful parachute jump was made in A. 1615 B. 1797 C. 1912 Answer to #5: Quiz33.aif B. That’s right. Leonardo drew his sketch of a parachute almost 300 years earlier. -------------------------------------- 6. Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots were A. cousins B. sisters C. mother and daughter Answer to #6: Quiz34.aif A. Right. Elizabeth thwarted her cousin Mary’s claim to the English throne by having her executed. ------------------------------- 7. Leonardo received a large inheritance from his father. A. True B. False Answer to #7: Quiz35.aif B. False. Leonardo sued his brothers because he was left out of his father’s will. ------------------------------------ 8. Shakespeare was born before colorless glass was invented. A. True B. False Answer to #8: Quiz36.aif B. False. Shakespeare was born in 1564, almost 75 years after colorless glass was invented. ------------------------------------ 9. Machiavelli created an army made up of mercenaries. A. True B. False Answer to #9: quiz37.aif B. False. Machiavelli changed the army of Florence by recruiting civilians instead of mercenaries. ********************************************************************************* Quiz #5: 1. The laws of perspective were published by A. Alberti B. Leonardo C. Verrocchio Answer to#1: Quiz38.aif A. Right. Alberti, Italian architect, humanist and art theorist, published them in 1435 in his book On Painting. ------------------------- 2. Elizabeth I was the daughter of A. Ivan III B. Francis I C. Henry VIII Answer to #2: Quiz39.aif C. That’s right. Elizabeth’s mother was Henry VIII’s second wife Anne Boleyn. --------------------------- 3. Vasco da Gama sailed to A. India B. Philippines C. Newfoundland Answer for #3: Quiz40.aif A. Right. Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa's Cape of Good Hope and reached India in 1498. ---------------------------- 4. Leonardo built a multi-barreled canon having a total of 11 barrels. A. True B. False Answer to #4: Quiz41.aif B. False. Leonardo’s cannon had 33 barrels all together, 11 on each of three racks. --------------------------- 5. If Leonardo’s pedal-powered wing were built today, it would fly successfully. A. True B. False Answer to #5: Quiz42.aif B. False. Leonardo’s device would weigh more than 600 pounds - far too heavy for flight. ------------------------------- 6. The name of Leonardo’s father was A. Lodovico B. Lorenzo C. Ser Piero Answer to #6: Quiz43.aif C. Right. Ser Piero, Leonardo’s father, was a notary in the village of Vinci. ---------------------------------- 7. Multi-talented Leonardo was also an accomplished ballet dancer. A. True B. False Answer to #7: Quiz44.aif B. False. However, ballet did develop in Italy during Leonardo’s lifetime. ------------------------------------ 8. Who theorized that fish enclosed in sediments later become fossils? A. Galileo B. Suleiman C. Leonardo Answer to #8: Quiz45.aif C. Right. Leonardo also noted that a primeval sea must have once covered the mountains of Italy. ------------------------------- 9. Leonardo probably painted some of Verrocchio’s painting, The Baptism of Christ. A. True B. False Answer to #9: Quiz46.aif A. True. It was common for a student to contribute to his teacher’s paintings. ********************************************************************************* Quiz #6: 1. The Spanish Inquisition started in A. 1451 B. 1478 C. 1502 Answer to #1: Quiz47.aif B. Right. The Spanish Inquisition started in 1478, when Leonardo was 26 years old. -------------------------------- 2. The famous statue of Moses was sculpted by A. Leonardo B. De las Casas C. Michelangelo Answer to #2: Quiz48.aif C. That’s right. Michelangelo created Moses in 1516. ---------------------------------- 3. “Kabuki” is A. the pocket watch created by Heinlein B. a painting by Botticelli C. a Japanese theatrical performance Answer to #3: Quiz49.aif C. Right. Kabuki theater was introduced in Japan in 1480. ------------------------------ 4. Snorkeling first became popular in the early A. 1500s B. 1700s C. 1900s Answer to #4: Quiz50.aif C. Right. Although Leonardo invented the snorkel, snorkeling did not become popular until the early 1900s. -------------------------------- 5. Leonardo designed the diving suit A. to sink enemy ships B. to search for buried treasure C. to study fish Answer to #5: Quiz51.aif A. Right. Leonardo’s idea was than an unseen diver could spring a leak in an enemy ship. ---------------------------------- 6. Leonardo designed a wooden tank. The first practical tank was used in A. the U.S. Civil War B. World War I C. World War II Answer to #6: Quiz52.aif B. Right. The modern tank, developed in World War I, has a metal frame and steel treads. ----------------------------------- 7. Magellan tried to A. claim the throne of France B. circumnavigate the globe C. assassinate Giuliano de Medici answer to #7: Quiz53.aif B. Right. Magellan died after reaching the Far East, but one of his ships returned to Spain, having sailed around the world. ------------------------------------ 8. The Middle Ages was a time of great intellectual growth and artistic achievement. A. True B. False Answer to #8: Quiz54.aif B. False. The Middle Ages was a period of relative intellectual darkness. --------------------------------------- 9. Leonardo’s manuscripts were bequeathed to A. Bramante B. Melzi C. Shakespeare Answer to #9: Quiz55.aif B. Right. Francesco Melzi, Leonardo’s pupil, received his manuscripts after Leonardo’s death.